
Thank you for contributing to Russ Melton for Sunnyvale Mayor 2024!

How to Make a Donation:

  • Complete all fields
  • Enter a contribution amount
  • Check the Captcha box, used to verify real human users from bots
  • Click the Donate button. You will be re-directed to a PayPal page, where you can contribute via credit card or from your PayPal account

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  • Terms and Conditions:

    • 1. Contributions to Russ Melton for Sunnyvale Mayor 2024 are not tax deductible.
    • 2. Individual contributors must be age 18 or over and either a United States citizen or a foreign national admitted to permanent resident ("green card") status.
    • 3. Please complete all fields.
    • 4. Maximum individual contribution limited to $5,500.
    • 5. California law known as the Levine Act places special conditions on contributions of $250 or more if a contributor has had business at Sunnyvale City Council in the past 12 months, or expects to have business at Sunnyvale City Council in the next 12 months. Click here to learn more.
  • Thank you for your support!

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