Russ Melton is ready to tackle Sunnyvale’s most important issues

Safe and Secure Sunnyvale

Russ Melton believes that everyone in Sunnyvale has the right to be safe and to feel safe. Russ has the plan to back it up.

Read More Russ engages with Sunnyvale residents every day. The number one question from residents is: What is the City doing to make sure my family and I are safe? As Mayor, Russ will hire more cops to protect Sunnyvale. This includes a year-round Burglary Suppression Unit to focus on the property crimes vexing our city and adding two cops to our traffic safety unit. These are core services that residents demand, and Sunnyvale has the budget available. Russ supports reforming 2016’s Prop 47 and also bringing advanced paramedic services, currently provided by the County, under Sunnyvale’s direct control. With Russ Melton as your Mayor, we will also complete the rebuild of Fire Station 2, a regional training center, as well as rehabilitating our 1950s era Fire Stations 1, 3, 4 and 6.

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Efficient Delivery of Government Services

Russ Melton is the Sunnyvale Mayor who will get things done for all of Sunnyvale, north, south, east and west. Russ will ensure our street trees are trimmed, our sidewalks are in good repair and that potholes are filled.

Read More Russ Melton has the private sector and Sunnyvale government experience to get things done. Russ made sure our new City Hall was built on time and under budget and he will do the same for new Sunnyvale facilities such as the Lakewood Branch Library and the Corn Palace Park. Russ will keep the City’s Climate Action Plan on track and will also cut through the never-ending arguments at City Hall that derail implementation of our Active Transportation Plan. Russ will make sure that the services Sunnyvale residents demand are provided efficiently and effectively across all of Sunnyvale.

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A Sensible Plan for the Unhoused

As Mayor, Russ Melton will lead the way in implementing a plan of action that will compassionately get our unhoused the help they need with measured steps towards a solution that will not drain the City’s budget.

Read More Russ Melton has always supported Sunnyvale Community Services and when they were imperiled by the bankruptcy of Silicon Valley Bank in March 2023, Russ led the way in coming to a long-term solution. Knowing that even more needs to be done, Russ will get a Safe RV parking program implemented that will be accompanied by stronger abatement of RVs parked illegally in our neighborhoods. Russ will make sure that Sunnyvale stays true to our commitments in the state-mandated Housing Element by increasing our supplies of housing and affordable housing in the recently upzoned areas of Moffett Park, Downtown, El Camino and Lawrence Station. Russ supports California’s new CARE Courts, which can connect a person struggling with untreated mental illness or substance abuse issues with a court-ordered care plan for up to 24 months.

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